Tuesday 28 April 2009

Two Precious Women I Love

A Stowaway!

Rabbit on top of yet another pile of clothing to be packed.

The Big Pack Continues

Okay, Passports, cases packed, must be something else...

Monday 27 April 2009

Views From Our Balcony

Two pictures taken today - always an interesting view whatever time of day :O)

Sunday 26 April 2009

The Most Thoughtful Presents are the BEST. You can see I have eaten the Jelly Beans already ;O)

Loading Artwork

Here I am loading the last canvas into the container - this is a photo of silver birch trees taken by someone lying on the ground - we were going to leave it in our apartment until the latest 'experience' with tenants. Type of tenant to avoid in future:

Those who have no money...
Those who carry knives and embed them in bedroom doors...
Those who weigh over 15st, stand in wash basins and jump up and down...
Those who shake cans of coke/beer, then release the pull tag and redecorate walls and ceilings...

Enough - Move On :O)


Last Trip to Container

Hello :O)

Today is our very last trip to the container before heading off - all the things we treasure most ( apart from our children, family and friends) are locked away in this big tin box. We've been adding things to the container over the last three years and had a mega clear out about six months ago when we 'donated' a third of the contents to charity. It's amazing what you hold onto and really amazing when you let it go!

The rusty lock box that Greg is handling in the pic has been home to a little bird for the last year. It perches on the metal rod and is safe from wintry chills in there though probably too hot in the summer ( a little bird says he has applied for an Air-conditioning unit from the Local Authority). We have no idea what type of little bird it is as we always manage to startle it. He/she then flies off in a fuzzy flurry of feathers impossible to identify. Very sensibly it stays away until we drive off. Today we note that it has a flatmate, a spider, perhaps he won't be around long!!

I'm wondering where/when I will be able to unload the contents of our container.

More later


Saturday 25 April 2009

Swimming and Kiowa Love Flutes

Hi Everybody

Yes, tis me the nomadic mermaid, currently swimming against the tide on the River Thames and playing my Love Flute which is REALLY meditative and helpful given the mega stress of the past few years...the flute found me last week and will be travelling in my hand luggage as I head off next week on a world trip.
I'll be swimming in the waters of the following seas and oceans: Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Andaman Sea, Tasman Sea, Arafura Sea, North and South Pacific Oceans, Indian Ocean, Carribean and the Atlantic plus a fair few water holes and swimming pools when land locked.

If I can post photos on this blogsite I will.

BTW, my motto in life - Only dead fish swim with the tide. ;O)

Until later, Marlene