Sunday 25 October 2009

News and Update For You!

Dear All,

Apologies for the Blog 'Silence'. we've been in UK for three weeks and currently in Zurich waiting for a flight to Berlin.

As the next Big Adventure is about to start in Europe I have decided to create a brand new  ' Blog ' especially for the next phase in this Nomads' Life. When it is set up I shall send you all invitations to follow the European Sector Journey.

Thank you for following our world tour, it's been great receiving feedback re the blog and emails about out journey, how you feel about the pictures, the views and all your support throughout has been much appreciated. I hope our new Blog in Europe will appeal, especially to our mates Down Under who haven't had a chance to get here yet - and to everyone - an open invitation to come and stay with us wherever it is we end up for the next few years - friends always welcome @ our house so make sure you save your pennies/dollars and get your arse over here ;O)

With much love. The Nomadic Mermaid xx