Sunday 13 September 2009

First Day in Nova Scotia

Sunset at Livingstone Cove Nova Scotia...
Kayaker rounding the pier at Livingstone Cove...

Kayaker approaching shore - we had been talking to the kayaker's wife on the beach and later they invited us back to see the house they have almost finished building...

Lobsterpots at Cribbons Cove...

Sundown Cribbons Point NS...

Rock climbing...


Cribbons Point where we stopped for freshly caught Atlantic Cod and a bowl of homemade Chowder packed with lobster meat, scallops, cod, cream and vegetables...

Lobster pots everywhere at Cribbons Cove...

Last boat home...

Net loft Cribbons Cove...

On the wall of Boyds Seafood Galley Cribbon Cove...

We struck lucky, tonight was the last fish cookup for the season, they open June till today...

Post boxes at Terry Tory...

One vista from the B&B where we sleep tonight...

Pat's B&B...

Our Rego in Nova Scotia - Cananda's Ocean Playground.


  1. Hi Marlene & Greg, Greg and Rika here, just a quick hello to let you know that we LOVE your pictures. Happy to check in frequently to see how you're travelling. Nova Scotia looks like a great place, Greg remembers it from when he lived over there as a 12 year old. Biggest tides in the world...
    Lots of love, Rika and Greg

  2. Hi Rika and Greg

    Glad to hear you are still following us, yes, Canada and Nova Scotia are lovely. It is amazing that Gaelic is still spoken in NS adn they really know how to party!! Hope all is well with you guys. Lots love MArlene & Greg
