Tuesday 1 September 2009

Travelling through the Avenue of the Giants today.

Looking through the hole cut in a giant redwood...
Fortunately the Giant Redwoods are protected, these are thinnings of baby ones I hope...

And has had a big hole cut in it to make money...

This poor tree is still alive and on private parkland so no excuse to do this methinks...

Driving the thirty two mile avenue...

Me hugging a giant...

I took this because of the 'aura' of the tree in the middle background - it seemed to glow...

The base of another...

Greg with a Giant...

Trying to get the whole tree into frame and failing...

These stats are twenty years out of date...

Myself with a living giant...

More Redwood Avenue...

Greg next to a fallen 'baby'...

Redwood avenues as far as the eyes can see...

Follow those signs and the smell of pine forest floors...

Highway 101 South today...

Our Rego for all our gambling friends in Singapore...

Outside Ferndale -Massive barns everywhere, warms the cockles to think of huge harvests. This barn looks quirky and well used in its former life...

Ferndale is surrounded by dairy pasturelands...

Patriotic Community Church Ferndale...

On the forecourt at Ferndale Gas Station...

Shaw House B&B Ferndale.


  1. That forest is simply amazing. Walking amongst them truly puts into perspective how small we truly are in the scheme of things

  2. Couldn't agree more! It is also really peaceful and relaxing to be with these trees.
